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Entertainment of Tuesday, 30 January 2024


I had just had hot sex when Mona Gucci bombarded me with gossip - GH Mouthpiece

Mona Gucci [L]; GH Mouthpiece [R]

Their bond was widely admired, a source of envy for many. However, as the saying goes, all things that begin must eventually come to an end. In no time, the once flourishing friendship between GH Mouthpiece and Mona Gucci turned bitter, the warmth replaced by a cold estrangement.

According to GH Mouthpiece, her relationship with Mona Gucci turned sour when she realized that Mona had a tendency to gossip and a penchant for falsehoods.

In the initial incident, GH Mouthpiece recalled being disturbed during her sleep by a barrage of text messages from Mona. Mona had insisted that GH Mouthpiece checked information she [Mona] had uncovered about one Joyce Boakye, claiming it could be detrimental. However, GH Mouthpiece, already well-acquainted with Joyce Boakye, remained uninterested in Mona's proposition.

Recounting in an interview on The Delay Show, monitored by GhanaWeb, GH Mouthpiece said, “My fallout with Mona Gucci was a result of Joyce Boakye. One day, around 5am when I was sleeping after engaging in a hot sexual intercourse with my man, I heard my phone beep countless times.”

“She continued, “I checked and Mona had sent me stuff about Joyce Boakye. She claimed to have exposed Joyce Boakye so she was sending us the information for us to come and address the issue but I ignored her. I ignored her because I had encountered Joyce Boakye so many times and she was a nice person so I didn’t; see why I should listen to Moca and goof.”

In narrating the circumstances that led to their strained relationship, GH Mouthpiece disclosed that Mona Gucci was fond of gossiping and lying about other people who were close to them as friends and her attitude did not sit well with her.

She recounted an instance where Mona Gucci accused one of their female friends of having taken her fiance to the fetish priest to make him stick with her spiritually.

However, in a conversation with the accuser, the lady denied having told Mona Gucci about the issue.

“She told me that one of our friends told her about a friend who told her about having taken her fiancé to the fetish priest for the guy to stick with her. I was sceptical when she told me so I made a conference call with Mona Gucci and the lady then I brought up the issue.

"From what the lady said, she had no idea of telling Mona about such an issue and even seemed like she knew nothing about a fetish priest. That’s when I got to know she was lying," GH Mouthpiece said.

“Also, sometimes after we’ve spoken with a friend and the person had left, Mona Gucci would be saying all sorts of things about the person in her absence. So I realized that she was an untruthful person whom I could not keep as a friend, so, I distanced myself quietly,” she added.