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Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Source: GNA

10 years for attempting to export cocaine

Accra, May 16, GNA - An unemployed who attempted to export a total of 5,487.8 grammes of cocaine to Germany without licence and lawful authority was on Wednesday sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment in hard labour by an Accra Regional Tribunal.

Pronouncing the judgement, Mr Frank Manu, who chaired the tribunal stated that Atsu Kokume had been fair and straight-forward by his admission to the offence.

Mr Frank Manu said in coming up with the judgement, the tribunal took into consideration, Kokume's attempt not to waste the court's time, "because he did not wait for the court to find him guilty of the offence after a trial".

Before the pronouncement, the convict pleaded to the trial judge and the panel members for leniency. Mr Justice Manu said: "The punishment for the offence could have put you in jail for 14 year. However, upon consideration you are to go to prison for 10 years." Kokume pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted exportation of narcotic drug without licence issued by the Minister of Health and possession of narcotic drugs without lawful authority. Mrs Stella Badu of the Attorney General's Department told the tribunal that at about 1900 hours on June 8, last year, the convict arrived at the Kotoka International Airport to board a KLM flight to Germany. Mrs Badu said while going through pre-boarding formalities, Kokume's travelling bag was searched and five parcels of substance, which later proved positive for cocaine was found. She said the convict was arrested and handed over to Narcotic Control Board officials for investigations. An X-ray examination performed on his body revealed that he had also swallowed some foreign materials. According to Mrs Badu, Kokume, who was put under observation, expelled 50 pellets of a substance. She said in the two instances, a total of 5,487.8 grammes of cocaine was found on the convict, who admitted the offence. 16 May 07