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Regional News of Thursday, 10 May 2007

Source: GNA

11,550 pupils in Atwima Nwabiagya are fed daily

Adankwame(Ash), May 10, GNA - More than 11,550 pupils in 21 out of the 78 primary schools in the Atwima Nwabiagya District are provided with daily meals under the school-feeding programme.

Mr. Thomas Ofori-Donkor, the District Chief Executive, said the programme would be extended to the remaining 57 primary schools with about 16,000 pupils in phases.

He was speaking at a teachers' durbar organized by the Adankwame Education Circuit in honour of Mrs. Dinah Appiah, the new District Director of Education on Wednesday at Adankwame. It was her maiden familiarization visit to the area after she assumed duty later last year.

Mr. Ofori-Donkor said the district assembly, with support from its development partners, have provided many classroom blocks at Esaso, Nketia, Adankwame, Asamang, Abuakwa, Nkawie, Sepaase and other rural school communities in the district.

The district assembly, he said, would also provide accommodation, especially in the rural school communities, to alleviate the hardships usually encountered by some teachers. Mrs. Appiah said the New Education Reform lays emphasis on science, and technology but expressed regret about the inadequate technical teachers in the system. Mr. Stephen Osei-Appiah, the Adankwame Circuit Supervisor said, the circuit has contributed to the academic, sporting and cultural success achieved by the district.

He said seven teachers in the circuit had won either national, regional or district best teachers' awards.

Mr. Osei-Appiah, however, was not happy about the deplorable state of some school blocks in the circuit and appealed to the district assembly and other organizations to help rehabilitate them.