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Health News of Tuesday, 7 April 2015


11 health benefits of onions you didn’t know

It’s worth having a thing for onions regardless of how much they can make you cry. It’s one of the widely used and best culinary vegetables, any day, anytime! Whether cooked or raw, they are still good to go.

Whether red, yellow or white, onions are pregnant with so many beneficial nutrients such as Calcium, Vitamins (C, A, B6 and E), sodium, potassium, phosphorus,dietary fibre, magnesium, iron, folic acids and antioxidants such as quercetin and sulphur.

  1. Onions may not be valued as medicinal as garlic, also from the allium family but trust me, your eyes don’t tear in vain. Here are some great health benefits of onions.
  2. Onions are great for the relief of cold, cough, catarrh and asthma.

  3. Onions improves the digestive system. It can help cure digestive problems by increasing the release of digestive juices.

  4. In case of nose bleeding, a small piece of onion inhaled can help slow down or stop it.

  5. Eating onions either raw or cooked can help keep your blood free of clots.

  6. Chromium can be found in onions which helps in regulating blood sugar

  7. Vitamin C in onions help build and maintain collagen which in turn provide structure to skin and hair.

  8. Regarding the heart, onions help lower blood pressure, thin blood and lowers total blood cholesterol.

  9. Quercetin which is found in onions plays a key role in preventing cancer.

  10. In case of bee stings and bug bites, place a slice of onion on it.

  11. One tablespoon of onion juice mixed with olive oil can be used to treat acne.

  12. Having sleeping disorders, an onion a day can give you a good night sleep!

The value of onion cannot be underestimated and can be traced way back in history. Did you know that onions were used as currency to pay the workers who worked on the pyramids in Egypt? Why do you like onions?