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Regional News of Tuesday, 6 November 2012


150 security personnel for IEA vice presidential debate

About 150 security personnel will be deployed to maintain law and order at tonights Vice Presidential debate in the Western regional capital, Takoradi.

The Regional police command says it has mapped out a comprehensive security strategy for all the candidates.

The debate will feature Vice President Amissah-Arthur of the ruling NDC pitching his wits against fellow Economist Dr. Mahmoud Bawumia of the main opposition NPP.

Their co-debators are the CPP’s Cherita Sarpong Nkumankuma and the PNC’s Helen Sanorita Dzatugbe Matrevi.

The debate, according to the organizer Institute for Economic Affairs, will provide a platform for the Vice Presidential candidates to respond to questions on various aspects of the nation’s development process.

Public relations Officer of the Western regional police command ASP Olivia Ewurabena Adiki in an interview with XYZ News said plans are in place to control traffic and maintain security.

“We have deployed over 150 men who would be at the various vantage points to control crowd and provide security...we are really and all our men are ready for the occasion” ASP Olivia Ewurabena Adiki.