General News of Thursday, 1 January 2004

Source: GNA

2004, year of hope and achievements-Aidoo

Sekondi, Jan.1, GNA - Mr Joseph Boahen Aidoo, Western Regional Minister, on Thursday said even though 2004 promises to be very challenging, it would be a "special year " of hope and achievements. He said outstanding programmes and unfinished government business would be successfully accomplished and appealed to Ghananaians to be tolerant, considerate, disciplined, united, hard working and peaceful. In a New Year message, Mr Aidoo said since 2004 would be an election year traditional rulers and the people would have to "jealously defend the gains so far made under the democratic dispensation".

He expressed his gratitude to workers, chiefs and people of the region for their goodwill and support to the regional coordinating council in the past year that enabled the council to register "meaningful achievements".

Mr Aidoo said: "I am confident that, Ghanaians, being peace-loving people as we are, will overcome any challenges that the year has in store for us, and work hard to move the country forward".
