General News of Friday, 21 February 2020


2019 EduQuality Awards launched

Mr Kofi Boakye (Head Education Specialist), Mrs Mina Sarpong (Snr. Education Specialist) and others Mr Kofi Boakye (Head Education Specialist), Mrs Mina Sarpong (Snr. Education Specialist) and others

The 2019 edition of the EduQuality awards came off on February 13, 2020. The initiative, targeted at promoting meaningful and innovative improvements in learning conditions for schools has since its launch impacted several lives.

The award which was launched in 2018 provides a platform for schools to share best practices from their School Development Plan implementation and encourages schools across the program to continue learning from the innovations of their colleagues.

Solid Rock Foundation Schools at Sun City in Agboba, a surburb of Accra, was among key winners of the 2019 awards, having been nominated by education specialists in the EduFinance team. Nominations were done considering several factors including the implementation of their School Development Plans which ultimately promotes improved school quality.

Speaking during a simple but impressive ceremony held on the school (Solid Rock Foundation)’s premises, Mrs. Mina Sarpong acknowledged the good work done under the leadership of Mrs. Victoria Hazel, Proprietress of the school. She highlighted the school’s focus on Teaching and Learning Resources as one of the domains in the ‘Pathways to Excellence.’

She also lauded management of the school for refurbishing their computer laboratory, thereby creating a more effective and interactive environment for teachers and students, with technology and the internet.

Municipal Director of Education for the Ga-East Municipality, Madam Faustina Alimatu Braimah on her part assured students of the Solid Rock Foundation Schools of a bright future, particularly with their involvement with ‘this noble institution’.

She further pledged commitment to providing the necessary support to the school towards progression, while admonishing teachers to continue the good work.

Staff and members of PTA with staff of Opportunity International.

Madam Braimah also congratulated Opportunity International for their useful contribution to the innovative improvement in the learning conditions of the school.

Officials from Opportunity International Savings and Loans (OISL) were in attendance, to present a cheque of $1,000 to the school.
A certificate of Honorable mention was also presented by Mrs Mina Sarpong, Senior Education Specialist in charge of “Making it a Reality” cluster, to which Solid Rock Foundation Schools belong.

Proprietress of the Solid Rock School, Mrs Victoria Hazel, on behalf of the school, presented a citation to Mrs Mina Sarpong, in appreciation of her support and efforts towards providing quality education for the students.

A plaque was presented to the school by Mr Kofi Boakye, who is the Head Education Specialist.

Mr Kofi Boakye, Head Education Specialist, presenting a plaque to Mrs Victoria Hazel, Proprietress of Solid Rock Foundation Schools

Mr Hazel, husband of the proprietress, presenting a citation to Mrs Mina Sarpong, (Senior Education Specialist in charge of "Making it a Reality" cluster of schools) on behalf of Solid Rock Foundation Schools.

About Opportunity International

Opportunity International is a nonprofit organization that is working to end global poverty by creating and sustaining jobs. EduFinance is Opportunity International’s unique approach to tackling the global education crisis.

Opportunity EduFinance supports affordable private schools to provide accessible quality education. We connect private sector Finance to education providers in low and middle-income countries to help get more children in better schools.

Officials from Opportunity International Savings and Loans, presenting a cheque of $1,000 to Mrs Victoria Hazel, Proprietress of Solid Rock Foundation Schools.

Through partnerships with local financial institutions we provide lending products that have enabled positive change for families, schools and communities.

Our Education Quality program works with over 1,700 schools to improve teaching and learning conditions. This program is carried out through local collaboration and knowledge-sharing school clusters. Our Pathways to Excellence school development assessments and guides as well as extensive School Leadership Professional Development (SLPD) training. EduFinance work to increase access to education through finance and supports schools to improve the quality of education.