Diaspora News of Thursday, 19 June 2014
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Ghana Information Day
2nd Ghana France Higher Education Conference
Paris, June 10 and 11 2014
The 1st Ghana Information Day and the 2nd Ghana France Higher Education Conference took place in Paris on June 10 and 11 of 2014, organized by the Embassy of France in Ghana and the Vice Chancellors Ghana Association, in collaboration with the Institut Français of Ghana, Campus France and the Conference of French University Presidents.
The French Ambassador to Ghana, Frédéric Clavier, the head of the Cooperation and Cultural Service, Paulo Pais, and representatives from French universities and a Ghanaian delegation attended the event. Ghanaian delegation was led by the President of the Ghana Association of Vice-Chancellors, Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Vice-Chancellor of University of Ghana, and was composed of 25 representatives of nine public universities, representatives of GIMPA, Ashesi University College, NAB and Get Fund.
Tuesday, June 10 at the Alliance Française of Paris, the representatives of French higher educational institutions presented the recent developments in the Ghanaian higher education system. This first day has also been the opportunity for the delegations to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. 25 French universities were presented to meet with representatives of nine public universities in Ghana, and in addition GIMPA and Ashesi University College.
During the second day, Wednesday June 11 at the Conference of University Presidents, Ghanaian and French universities have had the opportunity to discuss, among others, the creation of three doctoral schools in Ghana, joint programs and recognition of diplomas, issues in education and e -learning, and teaching of French in Ghanaian universities.
Thursday June 13, GIMPA and ENA signed a MoU to develop their cooperation in the field of public administration (study visits, exchange of lecturers, students mobility). Ghanaian delegation visited Sciences Po Paris, n+i network (engineering schools), University Paris 8, and Dassault Systems in the field of digital education.
UDS Tamale made a study visit of two days to Sup Agro in Montpellier (MoU signed in 2013), KNUST to University Paris Sud, and UHAS to EHESP (High School of Public Health in Paris).
The mobility of Ghanaian students in France is increasing, especially at Bachelor and Master Levels. In the academic year of 2012-2013, 268 Ghanaian students were enrolled in French universities or institutions. The developing partnerships between French and Ghanaians universities aim at facilitating this mobility. Higher education and research are the priority sectors of the French cooperation in Ghana.
Contact: Delphine ADENOT-OWUSU
Press Officer
Embassy of France
0262 98 97 22