General News of Tuesday, 3 June 2003


37 Hospital Rejects Dying Woman

The 37 Military and Police Hospital on May 25, 2003 were allegedly reported to have turned away three accident victims rushed there for medication, resulting in the death of one of them, while the whereabouts of the Second victim, reported to be in critical condition, is not known.

Abena Ankomah (16), the third victim, is however, claimed to be responding to treatment at a private clinic.

Reasons for the action of the two hospitals are not only bizarre and mind-boggling, but also unclear as the authorities there are tight – lipped over the issue, though they claim they are investigating the matter.

A good “Samaritan”, Mr. Emmanuel Sekpor, who conveyed the victims to the two hospitals, where they were turned away, told the paper that, he simply couldn’t understand why the hospitals behaved in this callous way.

Meanwhile, Hon. Justice S.A. Brobbey, a Supreme Court Judge, who happens to be a relative of the deceased, has petitioned the Ministers of Defence and the Interior respectively about the pathetic issues.

He has subsequently called for investigations into the matter as early as possible.