Regional News of Monday, 20 July 2020


5-year-old sick boy in agony as parents refuse medical care

Sick child. File photo Sick child. File photo

A five-year-old boy, Godfred Arko, bedridden after an unknown sickness has been abandoned in a room by his parents over two months at Bosovilla in the Akyemansa district, in the Eastern region.

It took the intervention of some teachers in the community to locate the boy in one of the cubicles of the house he lives in with his drunkard mother.

X-ray results on the boy from the Oda government hospital indicates that, the boy has fractured bones in both legs.

A referral letter has been issued by Physicians for the boy to be taken to St Joseph hospital in Koforidua since February, but the father of the boy has persistently refused to allow the teachers to take the boy to the hospital after funds were mobilised for medical attention.

Narrating the sad story to Kasapa News, Mr Dogbe said “when the father of the boy was threatened by the police, he bolted away with the boy to an unknown destination for over a month and brought him later with the boy’s condition worsened”.

Reports say the boy still lacks medical care and sometimes seen licking the wall as a result of hunger.

Five months on, the innocent boy is still lying on rags in a small room with no electricity, no medication and going through excruciating pains daily.