General News of Thursday, 24 December 2015


500 Military recruits sacked

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New intake of 500 recruits undergoing training at the Army Recruit Training School at Shai Hills in the Greater Accra region have all been sent home for misconduct according to confirmed sources.

It is unclear the exact details of the said misconduct as the Military High Command is tight-lipped over the matter but our sources indicate they have been paid their allowances and told to part ways with the military henceforth.

Their dismissal, sources hinted, followed recommendations by a board of an inquiry set to investigate the misconduct of the trainees some few weeks ago.

It is gathered that a recruit was repeated after failing a specific course of training but the Commanding Officer (CO) at the time covered up for him and allowed him to progress.

It turned out that this Commander was found out and sacked much to the displeasure of the failed recruit who led his colleagues to revolt against the decision describing it as unfair.

All the recruits who were involved were cited for misconduct and subsequently sent home despite being under training for two months.

Highly placed sources within the military command indicate that the offence could have passed for mutiny a high offence within the ranks of the military. They were however left off the hook because of their relatively young stay within the training camp.

It is however unclear how much military training these recruits must have gone and what risks/threats it poses to civilian population which they have been unleashed unto in the wake of an upsurge in crime within the country.