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Regional News of Thursday, 9 October 2014

Source: The Chronicle

700 Streets named in Kumasi

ASI Zipcode System Limited has named over 700 streets in the Kumasi Metropolis under the street-naming exercise.

Mr. Kofi Owusu-Bempah, Chief Executive officer of ASI Zipcode System Limited, who disclosed this, also told The Chronicle that the Kumasi Metropolitan street-naming was 22.8 percent complete.

He said a total of 1,520 names had been received from the traditional authorities, with each community head (chief) providing 15 names for consideration.

Last year, President John Dramani tasked Metropolitan, Municipal and District chief executives (MMDCEs) to speed up work on the street-naming and address system in their various Metropolitan, Municipal and Districts, cautioning that the implementation of the exercise will be used to assess their performance at the end of 18 months, on September 30.

According to the contractor, the 77 towns that constitute Kumasi have been earmarked for the Adum township, and that 400 traditional names had been uploaded on Google maps.

Areas such as Adum, Tafo, Asafo and Kronum, among others, have been completed. He also said that the exercise had been completed in most of the districts in the region, and mentioned Kwabre East, Ejisu, Bekwai, Asante Akim South, Bosomtwe District, New Edubiase, Offinso North, Manso-Nkwanta, Bekwai, Obuasi, Agona, Kumawu, Ejura Sekyedumasi, Nsuta, Atwima Kwanwoma, Afigya Kwabre, Ahafo Ano North, Sekeyere East as some of the completed districts.

Meanwhile, Mr. Owusu Bempah pointed to some challenges being difficulty in getting the names from traditional authorities, and lack of funding for the swift implementation of the project.