Wa (Upper West Region), 16 Nov. 1998, - The Wa Intermediate Technology Transfer Unit (ITTU), has assisted 700 women and seven groups in the Upper West Region in line with government's policy to eradicate poverty by the year 2020. The beneficiaries who are mostly engaged in agriculture and small scale business have been assisted with materials on hire purchase basis, working capital, training and technical advice. Mr. Magti Dubick, Manager of Wa ITTU announced this at the end of a two-week workshop organised for 22 participants on basic engineering for drawing and its interpretation at Wa. The workshop was organised by Ghana Regional Appropriate Technology and Industrial Service (GRATIS), and sponsored by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the European Union (EU). Participants were taken through basic engineering, drawing, designing, selection of materials and the process control among other things. Mr. Dubick announced that the duration of course in the school will now be reduced to three years instead of the current 4 years and urged the students to be serious in their trade so as to be self-reliant after school. In a speech read for Mr. Bede Ziedeng, Deputy Upper West Regional Minister, he commended ITTTU for manufacturing farming implements at moderate cost.