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Regional News of Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Source: GNA

8,732 newly trained teachers to fill vacancies in rural areas

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has directed Metropolitan, Municipal and District Directors of Education to ensure that all the 8,732 newly trained teachers from the colleges of education are posted to deprived communities.

It said vacancies in the rural schools should be filed first before those in urban areas are considered.

This is contained in a circular signed by Mr. Samuel Manteaw, Director of Human Resources and Development,GES, and sent to regional education directors and HRMD officers across the country.

The circular spelt out the guidelines for posting the teachers from the 38 colleges of education and requested that the 799 technical, 290 French and 1,066 mathematics and science teachers amongst them should be sent to Junior High Schools (JHS) and the remaining 6,015 general teachers may be posted to teach either at the JHS or primary level.

It said the 562 early childhood teachers must be posted to the kindergarten and that the 32,514 teaching vacancies had been declared in the basic schools with only 26.9 per cent of these likely to be filled this year.

It expressed concern about the situation where some teachers refuse to accept posting to under-served areas and warned, the GES would no longer countenance that behaviour.

It entreated parents, guardians and other influential persons not to interfere with the postings.**