General News of Saturday, 8 September 2001

Source: .

80,000 jobs From Forest Programme

President John Agyekum Kufuor on Friday launched a 25 billion-cedi National Forest Plantation Development

Programme (NFPDP) with a call on Ghanaians to make conscious efforts to assist in halting the continual degradation of the country's forest resources.

He said the country was in the grips of ecological crisis and it behoves all Ghanaians, including chiefs, to initiate positive actions towards the regeneration and sustainable utilisation of forests by embracing the plantation programme.

"I wish to call on all well-meaning Ghanaians, including Nananom, District assemblies, financial institutions, companies and individuals to support the government in the implementation of this laudable programmes".

Launched at Agyigbe in the Wenchi District of Brong Ahafor Region, the programme is aimed at encouraging the development of a sustainable forest resource base, enhance environmental quality by satisfying future demand for timber and reduce pressure on existing ones.

About 20,000 hectares of degraded land would be planted every year, which is expected to create 80,000 jobs in rural communities.

Major trees species to be planted under the programme are wawa, ofram, emire, onyina, mahogany, teak and pines, among other species.

President Kufuor said it was now estimated that the country loses about 650 square kilometres of forest annually due primarily to wildfire, poor agricultural practices and logging, with adverse impact on water supply, soil fertility and wildlife.

"This adverse trend has continued in spite of the many laws and attempts by past governments and NGOs, simply because these attempts have not been vigorous, co-ordinated and sustained enough".

President Kufuor said he was hopeful that the new development programme would reverse the unfortunate trend if properly implemented.

"I am happy to launch this very important programme, which if properly managed and sustained, should restore the depleted forest cover of the country, which within the past century has reduced from eight million hectares to 1.6 million hectares now."

The programme, which would involve the establishment of 20,000 hectares of tree plantations every year, is being implemented with the support of the African Development Bank (AfDB), World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organisation and the governments of the United Kingdom (UK) and the Netherlands.