Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 13 April 2016


A/R: Man knifes brother over phone

Inhabitants of Saakrom, a farming village at Ahafo Ano South District in the Ashanti Region, have been thrown into a state of shock following the merciless slashing of a 24-year-old farmer Kwabena Amakye with a knife by his brother.

Class FM’s Ashanti Regional correspondent, Frank Jackson, reports that the deceased was attacked by his brother Kwabena Nsiah around 8pm on Tuesday 12 April 2016, after which he bolted, according to family members.

The victim sustained deep cuts to his head, legs, stomach and had his right hand almost severed by his brother. He is currently receiving treatment at the Mankranso Government Hospital.

According to family members, the two had been at loggerheads for a while.

Nsiah, the elder of the two, kept threatening his younger brother, Amakye, over his missing phone and attacked him in an earlier confrontation, but the issue was resolved at the chief’s palace.

On Tuesday, he is reported to have resumed the threats on his bother and later attacked him using a knife.