Politics of Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Source: koku anyidoho

A Very Decisive President-In-Waiting!

Who says that the Presidential Candidate of the NDC, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, is a man to be toyed with?

Who says that the Presidential Candidate of the NDC and president-in-waiting, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, is a man who wavers when it comes to taking tough decisions?

Who says that the Presidential Candidate of the NDC and president-in-waiting, Professor John Evans Atta Mill, would be a president who would not be able to tell his ministers in the face that they don’t have the right to take certain decisions that would not benefit the totality of Ghanaians?

Who says that the Presidential Candidate of the NDC and president-in-waiting, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, would have to consult anybody apart from God, before taking the decisions that would make Ghana a better country for Ghanaians?

Who says that the Presidential Candidate of the NDC and president-in-waiting gives a damn about the feelings of a few misguided bigots, and would pander to the whims of such power hungry bigots to the disadvantage of the greater majority of Ghanaians who would give him the mandate to steer the affairs of the state?

Who says that the Presidential Candidate of the NDC and president-in-waiting, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, would allow the mandate that the people would give him to be hijacked by some party honchos and for those honchos to use the mandate to be cutting deals with thieving political opponents?

If for any reason, some people sat somewhere and deceived themselves into believing that Professor Mills would sit down and allow a few party members to decide on behalf of the NDC, the unacceptable decision to repeal/amend the law on causing financial loss, they must have woken up last Wednesday to realize that the learned law professor may not be one to brazenly state his position on certain matters, but that the learned professor would not allow his authority to be undermined.

Last Wednesday, professor Atta Mills gladdened the hearts of members of the NDC when he reacted swiftly to the supposed decision by Johnson Asiedu Nketia and his colleague General Secretaries of the CPP, PNC, and NPP, to touch the law on willfully causing financial loss to the state.

Indeed, monitoring the airwaves after Professor Atta Mills deflated the balloon of those who may have been thinking that they could stampede the Leader of the NDC into accepting the so-called need to amend the law, The Ghanaian Lens’ informed opinion is that Professor Mills has scored maximum points with his position that the law ought not be touched.

Ghanaians across the political divide are united that those General Secretaries have no mandate to decide for the country how to manage major policy matters, and it is ipso facto that had Professor Mills not spoken on behalf of the majority of Ghanaians, his rating would have been sinking very low by now.

Indeed, had Professor Mills not spoken before emplaning for Germany, he may have returned to find that he no more has a following in the NDC because only God knows what would have been happening to the feelings of party members by now.

The Ghanaian Lens is certainly not going to jump for joy if there seems to be some incongruity between the thoughts of the Leader of the NDC and some executives of the party but we cannot hide our joy at the fact that the Leader acted the way true leaders ought to act, and quickly put paid to what may have seemed to be the collective decision of the party.

The Ghanaian Lens is not going to go after Johnson Asiedu Nketia for appending his signature to that useless document but we want him to know that as General Secretary of the party, his powers are not supreme.

Indeed, from what we gather, the Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the NDC has no mandate to take any major policy decision on behalf of the party and so if it is even the case (as we are hearing) that Asiedu Nketia did what he did with the consent of FEC, then FEC must know by now that they don’t have unlimited powers.

FEC is only responsible for the day-to-day administration of the party and The Ghanaian Lens hopes that what happened last week, when FEC forced the Leader of the NDC to debunk any position they may have taken as regards the law on willfully causing financial loss, would make the point succinctly clear that nobody in the NDC would be allowed to overstep his/her bounds.

The NDC belongs to the masses who give the party its life and strength and no executive of the party should think that they can go hobnobbing with the evil, devilish and thieving NPP and get the masses in the NDC to follow them like a bunch of zombies.

The Ghanaian Lens has not hidden its respect for the president-in-waiting, Professor Atta Mills, but hearing him speak last week Wednesday as regards the attempted move to repeal/amend the law on willfully causing financial loss, has made our respect for him grow in leaps and bounds.

The learned law professor, tax expert, and legal luminary, has proven to the doubting Thomases that he has what it takes to take very decisive decisions on the spur of the moment and that he is not a Leader whose mandate can be toyed with.

Professor John Evans Atta Mills, you have made The Ghanaian Lens and the foot soldiers of the NDC extremely proud of you with that swift and very necessary action of yours, and we have no doubt that after Ghanaians, in their collective wisdom, have given you the mandate to become the next president of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana, you would not mortgage that mandate to any sectarian interest and thereby betray the trust and confidence that would be reposed in you.

Professor Mills, kudos and keep confounding the critics.

As for those who had any funny ideas that they can manipulate the president-in-waiting, The Ghanaian Lens hopes that they have enough rotten eggs on their faces and would never dare push the professor to the wall again.

Nobody can step on Professor Mills and get away with it, and we hope that people have heard gotten the message loud and clear.