Crime & Punishment of Saturday, 13 December 2014

Source: Daily Guide

AK 47 cop nabbed

A police officer, Corporal Emmanuel Kwoffie, has been apprehended by the Ashanti Regional Police Command for allegedly stealing AK47 assault rifle.

The suspect, who is stationed at the Amponyase Police Station in the Obuasi District, reportedly said he had lost the offensive weapon whilst on a snap check duty Thursday evening.

His explanation to his superiors regarding how the weapon mysteriously got lost was not tangible, so he was consequently charged for stealing the gun and caged.

ACP Ampofo Duku, the Deputy Ashanti Regional Police Commander, said the corporal had been detained to assist in unraveling how the rifle suddenly got missing.

Throwing more light on the issue, ACP Ampofo Duku said Corporal Kwoffie and one other policeman – both armed with AK47 assault rifles - were on a snap check duty at the Obuasi/Dunkwa road Thursday evening.

Whilst on duty, around 8:30 pm, the other policeman reportedly received an item from a Metro Mass Bus, so he sought the assistance of two civilians to convey the items from a room nearby.

Some minutes later, Corporal Kwoffie joined the other policeman and the two civilians in the room and left his AK47 behind in a kiosk at the snap check point.

When the two policemen returned to the kiosk, Corporal Kwoffie could not find his AK47 assault rifle, so the two policemen quickly mounted a search for the missing gun but to no avail.

The two police officers then informed the people around to assist them search for the weapon, but their search too was in vain.

Corporal Emmanuel reported the missing gun to his bosses at the Amponyase Police Station, who in turn informed the Ashanti Regional Police Command and was arrested on the orders of the Command.

ACP Ampofo Duku maintained that Corporal Kwoffie was thoroughly interrogated at the headquarters, but his explanation was not convincing enough, so he was charged for stealing.