Regional News of Thursday, 15 October 2009

Source: GNA

AMA urged to be tactful on Sodom and Gomorrah resettlement

Accra, Oct. 15, GNA - Mr Dominic Nitiwul, Member of Parliament for Bimbila, has appealed to the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), to be tactful, diplomatic and diligent in dealing with the Sodom and Gomorrah and Agbogbloshie resettlement issue in order not to undermine the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants.

"The exercise should be devoid of ethnic and political consideration to be holistically accepted," he said.

Mr Nitiwul made the appeal in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Accra on Thursday.

He said although he would not condone misconduct and indiscipline as being exhibited by some residents in the areas, it was unfair when the issue was being handled in a haphazard manner by the AMA. He said in addition to serving as a marketing centre for foodstuffs, Agbogbloshie served as a social centre for many ethnic groups from the northern parts of the country.

Mr Nitiwul appealed to AMA to complete negotiations with the chiefs and people of Agyenkote before undertaking the demolition exercise. "The AMA needs to conclude all issue bothering on human rights abuse and internally displacement before undertaking the exercise," he added. Mr Nitiwul pointed out that care must be taken in order not to jeopardize the country's unity by resettling the people with a national consensus and compromise. 15 Oct. 09