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Regional News of Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Source: GNA

AU Day of the Child marked at Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam District

Enyanmaim (C/R), June 17, GNA - The Mankessim Programme Area Manager of the Plan Ghana, an international child-centred community development organization, Mr Sulemana Gbana has called on the government to provide adequate resources to address ignorance, poverty and disease, factors which impede development of children.

"The nation's commitment to the development of the child which made it the first country to ratify the United Nation's Convention on the rights of the child must be demonstrated in eliminating factors which hinder their growth," Mr Gbana stressed.

He was addressing a durbar to mark the AU Day of the Africa Child at Enyanmaim in Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam district on Tuesday. The Day was instituted by the then the Organisation of African Unity (AOU) now African Union (AU) in 1991 to commemorate the killing of about 200 children, in cold blood, when they were demonstrating against the obnoxious policies of the Apartheid Regime in Sweto in South Africa on June 16, 1976.

The theme for thisk year's celebration was, "Africa Fit for Children, a call for accelerated Action Towards Their Survival". Mr Gbana said the theme explained what his organization stood for and called for a united front in creating a society which could enhance the physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of children. The Manager appealed to the government to institute severe sanction for people who infringe on the rights of children such as sexual harassment, child labour, child trafficking, child neglect and other offences.

Mr Augustus Amoah, Assistant Director of Education in-charge of supervision in the District expressed regret that many of the conditions that existed under the Apartheid regime which Africans condemned still persisted in the continent. "Discrimination against children still persists in our countries, he said. Miss Portial Cudjoe, District Director of the Commission on Human rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) called on parents to assign reasons for why a child must not do certain things. She said when the child was made to know why he or she must not do certain things it gave easy compliance than just being told not to do this or that. Master Justice Baah, a Child Ambassador of the Programme Area appealed to parents, chiefs and other opinion leaders to help children to develop their potentials by allowing them not only to be seen but also heard on matters concerning their communities. Prizes in a football competition for Plan Ghana sponsored schools in the District were distributed to the participating schools and the winner and runners-up. The prizes include jerseys, footballs, exercise books and trophy. 17 June 09