Regional News of Monday, 26 July 2004

Source: GNA

AVGA supports PLWAs in Atwima district

Nkawie (Ash), July 26, GNA - AIDS Volunteers Ghana Association (AVGA), a Non-Governmental Organisation, has in the last two months supported 12 People Living With AIDS (PLWAs) in the Atwima district of Ashanti Region with six million cedis seed money to start petty trading to support themselves.

In addition, AVGA in collaboration with the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC) was offering home-based care for the victims by buying drugs, food and clothes for them.

Maame Pokuaa Boakye, Executive Director of AVGA, disclosed this during the inauguration of its office at Nkawie at the weekend The office built at the cost of 11 million cedis, would co-ordinate activities of all anti-HIV/AIDS Clubs formed by the organisation in the district.

Maame Pokuaa said, as part of the organisation's scholarship scheme for needy children, three children who dropped out of school had been sent back with AVGA providing their needs.

She said anti-HIV/AIDS Clubs had also been formed in a number of schools as a further commitment to curbing the spread of the disease. The office would offer counselling services to PLWAs and serve as an HIV information centre for the community.

Mr Apraku Fofie, District Focal Person on AIDS, cautioned the youth to stay away from pre-marital sex and other immoral practices.