General News of Friday, 21 June 2024

Source: Kenneth Nana Amoateng, Contributor

AbibiNsroma Foundation's fight against child labour

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Child labour is a pressing issue that affects millions of children worldwide. According to the International Labour Organization, approximately 152 million children aged 5 to 17 are engaged in child labour, with nearly half of them involved in hazardous work that endangers their health, safety, and moral development.

These children are often deprived of their right to education, forced to work long hours under harsh conditions, and exposed to physical and psychological harm.

The World Day Against Child Labour focuses on a specific theme to highlight different aspects of the issue. For 2024, the theme is "Let’s act on our commitments: End Child Labour." This theme underscores the importance of social protection measures in preventing and eliminating child labour.

Comprehensive social protection systems can provide families with the support they need to keep their children in school and out of the workforce.

Over the years, significant progress has been made in the fight against child labour. Governments, international organizations, and civil society groups have implemented various initiatives to combat this issue. These efforts include strengthening legal frameworks, improving access to education, and providing support to vulnerable families.

However, despite these advancements, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation, pushing more children into child labour due to economic hardships and school closures.

The World Day Against Child Labour serves as a reminder that everyone has a role to play in ending child labour. It is a crucial opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to ending child labour in all its forms. By working together and taking concrete actions, we can create a world where every child is free from exploitation and has the opportunity to reach their full potential.