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General News of Tuesday, 25 March 2003

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Abodakpi's case continues

Mr John Prempeh, Controller and Accountant General (C&AG) on Monday told an Accra Fast Track Court that monies were transferred from the Bank of Ghana to various banks after the Trade and Investment Programme (TIP) had ended.

However, Mr Prempeh stated that he had no document to confirm that monies disbursed at the end of TIP represented interest accrued from the programme.

The C&AG was answering questions during cross-examination in a case in which Daniel Kwasi Abodakpi, ex-Minister of Trade and Industry and Victor Selormey, for Deputy Minister of Finance are being tried on seven counts of conspiracy to commit crime, defrauding by false pretences and wilfully causing a total loss of 2.73 billion cedis to the State.

They have denied all the charges and are on self-recognisance bail in the sum of three billion cedis each.

Mr Prempeh who was being cross-examined by Mr Charles Hayibor, Defence counsel stated that he did not know when the interest account of TIP was closed.

Counsel: TIP fund ended in 1997?

Witness: I can't confirm that, unless I crosscheck with my files.

The prosecution witness explained that the TIP fund was part of the Consolidated Fund, which comprised of the commitment and non-commitment accounts.

Mr Prempeh, however said monies under the two accounts were supervised by the office of the Auditor-General.

Counsel: Tell the court the procedures governing the interest account.

Witness: I don't know.

Counsel: Tell the court on the procedures governing the utilisation of the interest account of TIP fund.

Witness: I don't know because I am not involved in the disbursement of the committed accounts.

Mr Hayibor ended his cross-examination but stated that he did not know whether Mr Johnny Quarshie-Idun and Mr Barima Manu counsel for Selormey had questions for the witness since they were absent.

A few minutes later, the court was informed about Mr Manu's illness.

The court presided over by Mr Justice Stephen Farkye, an Appeal court judge, sitting with additional responsibility as the High Court Judge adjourned the matter to March 31 at the instance of defence.