Diaspora News of Monday, 2 February 2009

Source: Che Mashinini, Uhuru Times

Abroad's Leader Weeps for Murdered Ghanaians Abroad

The Leader of Ghanaians abroad Coalition - Former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate and 2004 / 2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region says he is deeply saddened over the recent murders of Ghanaians living abroad, especially in the United States of America and Great Britain.

The Politician, who is publicly lobbying His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills' government to become either Ghana's Ambassador to the United States of America; Ambassador to any Country, especially in Africa or as Mayor of Kumasi, etc, has meanwhile, appealed to Ghana's newly elected government of His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills to condemn the spate of "Terrorist Style of Killings" of Ghanaian Nationals abroad and to re-visit the sad case of Ghanaians who were murdered in Gambia.

Paying a Special Tribute to the "assassinated" Ghanaian Beauty Queen, Ms. Eunice Baah, a Native of Bamang, near the Kente-weaving Town of Bonwire in Kumasi, Ashanti Region of Ghana who attended Konongo-Odumasi Secondary School, "Great Koss", and her boyfriend, Mr. Seth Aidoo, another Ghanaian who lived in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as ("Kwame Mayor"), described the murdered Ghanaians as Hard-Working People who dared to venture into the proverbial "American Dream" of Hardwork and Success !!!.

"Ms. Eunice Baah was the Ideal Woman. She was beautiful both inside and outside. She had a pleasant personality and carried herself with dignity. Ghana has lost a Daughter. Africa has lost a Beauty Queen. America has lost a Role Model Legal Immigrant who worked hard to succeed, President Barack Obama has lost an offspring of a "Yes We Can Spirit", the Civil Rights Community has lost "Little Rosa Parks" who refused the indignities of the Back Seat and when given Equal Opportunities, moved to the Frontiers of the Front Seat and above all, the World Community has lost a true Human Being whose Precious Life was cut short by the ravages of the savagery which is part of a World drifting apart", said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, Great Grandson of Kumasi Adonteng Puduo Royals from Bamang, near the famouse Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana --- (Bamang is the same Home-Town where Ms. Eunice Baah, alias Akua Asiedua also hailed from !!!).

Ms. Eunice Baah, the 36-year-old Lady from Bamang, near the Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, who was found brutally murdered with her 40-year-old boyfriend, Seth Aidoo, also from Ghana, in their Upper Marlboro, Maryland, gated community home in USA --- (a chilling murder described by many people as tantamount to "Hi-Tech Savagery Murder") --- was buried in the United States of America on Friday, January 29, 2009, and the crowd from all walks of life that witnessed the funeral on January 30, 2009 were expected to attend the Saturday (January 31, 2009) Scholarship event for the Children of the murdered victim.

The Late Beauty Queen, Ms. Eunice Baah attended Ghana's Konongo-Odumasi Secondary School, ("Great Koss") --- the same High School that the "Larger-than-Life" Human Rights and Civil Rights / Politician, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor attended !!!.

The Pro-American and Pan-Africanist Politician asked Ghanaians around the World and American Friends of Ghana as well as the entire World Community to pray for the departed souls of Ms. Eunice Baah and Mr. Seth Aidoo.

"Let us not forget that Ms. Eunice left Children behind in this Cold World", the Human Rights and Civil Rights Activist publicly reminded Ghanaians around the World.

"Who will take care of these God's Children ?", the "People's Mayor" asked, amid un-controllable tears that flowed like the Niagara Falls as the Mysterious Ghana's River, Oda that flows quietly in the Farming and Kente-weaving Village of Bamang stared with sorrowful eyes.

Kwame Mayor asked Ghanaians; American Friends of Ghana and the entire World Community to post their Tributes to the ("Martyred African Princess") --- Ms. Eunice Baah by clicking : (EuniceBaah.Com) - on Yahoo !!!.

The "America's Mandela" publicly appealed to all Law Enforcement Agencies in the United States of America and especially to the White House to put more resources in capturing the "Domestic Terrorist(s)" who carried out the cowardly and "Hi-Tech Savagery Murder" of the Ghanaian Couple.

"Brave American People and President Barack Obama's White House have a Legal and Moral responsibility in bringing the "Domestic Terrorists" who murdered the Ghanaian Couple to face trial" said the first Ghanaian-American to (symbolically) run for Mayor of Los Angeles and the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America - since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776.

"Kwame Mayor", officially listed as President Barack Obama's Campaign Volunteer and a former Precinct Captain, who has publicly asked Ghana's President, His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills government to cut across Party lines and boldly appoint him as either Kumasi Mayor or preferably, Ghana's Ambassador to the United States of America to effectively fight for the rights of Ghanaians living in USA and to strenghthen Ghana's "Good Standing" with USA - the proverbial "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave", asked the government of Ghana to condemn the terrorist killing of Ghanaians anywhere in the World, whether inside Ghana, Gambia, Britain or USA.

"The United States and Allied Democratic Forces have a new war to fight and that is the war against [Domestic Terrorism]" which Ms. Eunice Baah and Mr. Seth Aidoo fell victim.

"Brave America will surely capture the Domestic Terrorists who spilled the blood of Ms. Eunice Baah and Mr. Seth Aidoo", the Human Rights Activist predicted.

"May the Souls of Ms. Eunice Baah and Mr. Seth Aidoo Rest In Perfect Peace", said the Humanitarian and Politician. !!!
