Dissatisfied workers of the Controller and Accountant General?s Department are reported to be bracing up for a possible uncompromising meeting with the Controller and Accountant General over his alleged failure to address some pertinent issues affecting the welfare of the department. Prominent issues to be discussed include alleged double salaries paid to the department?s staff on secondment to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Staff on secondment to the IRS are said to be enjoying allowances such as professional, responsibility, fuel element and car maintenance allowance. Top management level staff are reportedly not pleased about this development and have therefore threatened to pressurize their Boss to streamline all the necessary policies as early as practicable.
Salaries paid to IRS staff are reported to be higher than that of the workers at the Controller and Accountant General?s Department and it is against this backdrop that professional accountants employed by the Department are seconded to the IRS, so that they may not decide to leave because of disparities in the salary structure.