General News of Monday, 17 April 2023


Accra Digital Center becomes latest victim of ECG disconnection over debt

The Accra Digital Center was cut off the national power grid by the ECG The Accra Digital Center was cut off the national power grid by the ECG

With many big corporate names already being victims of the recent disconnection exercises of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), the Accra Digital Center has become its latest culprit.

The exercise, which was undertaken on the morning of Monday, April 17, 2023, was because the Center owed the power company a substantial amount of money for unpaid power use.

According to a report, the action was undertaken by the Accra West Region office of the ECG as part of their revenue drive aimed at complementing a national effort at recovering some GH¢5.7 million owed by its customers.

The areas that the ECG targeted for its Monday activity are those around the North Industrial Area in Accra.

It will be recalled that the ECG has stated recently that unless it can pay off an outstanding $1 billion it owes some Independent Power Producers (IPP), it risks a major shutdown.

The revenue mobilisation drive has so far helped the ECG retrieve GH¢2.5 million of unpaid debts across the country, the report added.

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