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Regional News of Monday, 27 October 2008

Source: GNA

Add Your Voice launches Election 2008 Peace Walk

Accra, Oct. 27, GNA- Mr Kwabena Osei Bonsu, Chief Executive of Add Your Voice Now, a non-governmental organization championing the cause of peace building and malaria eradication in the country, has called on Ghanaians to use this year's elections as a test case to demonstrate their maturity for other countries to emulate. He regretted that elections in recent times had thrown some countries into total confusion and chaos thereby derailing development. Mr Osei Bonsu made the call at the launch of Election 2008 Peace Walk in Accra on Monday.

The walk, which would be held in Accra on Friday, November 14, is under the theme; 'Building Tomorrow Ghana Today'. About 10,000 people, made of up market women, students, politicians, Christians and Muslims are expected to take part in the walk which would start from the Tetteh Quarshie Circle in Accra through Nima to Mamoobi then to Obra Spot at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle. It is aimed at sensitizing the public on the need to maintain peace before, during and after the elections. Leaflets bearing peace messages would be distributed to the communities during the two-hour walk. Leaders of all the political parties would be expected to talk on the theme and also deliver their peace messages which would be documented for publications. Mr Osei Bonsu appealed to corporate bodies and institutions to support the NGO to enable it champion such a noble cause.