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Health News of Friday, 15 July 2011

Source: GNA

Adopt the habit of periodic health check

Asiwa (Ash), July 15, GNA – Ghanaians have been advised to adopt the habit of periodic health checks to help them stay healthy.

Dr William Thompson, a Medical Officer at the Agogo Presbyterian Hospital, said the situation where many people visited the health facilities only when they were sick was not good and must change.

He was giving a health talk to mark the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Asante-Akim Presbytery Singing Band Unions at Asiwa, in the Bosome-Freho District.

“Empowered by the Holy Spirit” was the theme for the four-day event.

Other activities undertaken included intercessional prayers for the nation and its leaders, the church, Bible quiz and music festival.

Dr Thompson said the hospitals were not places for only the sick but for all who cared about their health.

He underscored the need for people to report early to the medical facilities for treatment of all ailments.

They should also avoid buying unwholesome drugs and self-medication.

Reverend David Kofi Anokye, Chairperson of the Presbytery, said 50 years of existence was no mean achievement and challenged the union to do more to win souls for Christ.

He said they also should use their songs to help transform the society.

Nana Ofori Amanfo Diatuo, President of the Union, said they were eager to make the singing ministry attractive to the youth to replace the aging generation.