Entertainment of Thursday, 7 September 2017

Source: Counselor Adofoli/Facebook

Afia Schwarzenegger's marriage suffered a deficiency of love - Counselor Adofoli

Afia Schwarzenegger and husband Abrokwa Afia Schwarzenegger and husband Abrokwa

Afia Schwarzenegger's marriage lacked love. It was founded on personal interest, lust, like, fame, etc. If you really love someone, nothing can stop that; not a distance from Ghana to South Africa, not deceit, betrayal etc. Each time you say you love someone, you are just saying you accept the full package; the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.

You don't only accept but you also help them to become a better version of themselves. It gets serious when you agree to marry them and spend the rest of your life with them.

You cannot know anyone within a day, month or year. It is a lifetime process. Everyone is like a book, each day spent with them reveals a page of the book. So when you decide to marry them, you are saying, you accept the content of this book, and for the love you have for them, you will learn and help them to overcome the bad pages and chapters.

This is why you really get to know one better at the end of a relationship; at least, that is the point you read the book to, so you can tell better. It's therefore advisable not to rush, force or push into marriage. Take time to study people, ask questions before you trust them with your future.

I believe these two grown individuals know this. The man in question knows the kind of woman he was going to marry. The woman who is a queen of controversy, weird as she might be, also has her beautiful and sweet side, and getting married to her was not scary for him.

I am very sure he was not surprised to find her in bed with another man, if that was true. As painful as such a betrayal is, there is no need taking videos and pictures just to give to the lover's enemy to leak to the public domain.

This is an act of childishness, not what a man or husband who loves the wife will do. A husband covers his wife's shame, clothes her. If he can't do that, the best option is to leave. If they did have a child together would he have gone on to still leak these pictures and video of his child's 'bad mother'? Love me, love my dog. Did he truly accept the kids of the woman as his?

No one takes revenge on loved ones. Taking revenge on your wife is like taking revenge on yourself. The two are supposed to be one. Jesus Christ is married to the church, no matter how much we betray or hurt Him, He will not sell us to the devil to destroy us, because he loves us.

Many at times, people don't know that their actions towards others best describe they themselves. The words you use to insult others are the best words that describe you. It is therefore needed for each and every one of us to be careful with our words and actions in times of hurt.

Nobody has an easy marriage, which is one reason why marriage is not an adventure for the immature. You have no idea what some couples went through to build the great union they have today. Don't let anyone's insult of your singleness force you into marriage when you are not matured, strong or prepared for such a crazy journey.

For those singles laughing at the downfall of their marriage and take delight in sharing the naked pictures and videos, my advice to you is, never mock anyone of a sickness you have not suffered before. They survived, you might die.

This life is war; whilst you are praying to succeed, others are praying for you to fail. Your happiness makes someone sad. So instead of judging anyone, criticizing their life, laughing at them, pause and say a prayer for them and ask God for grace for your own journey ahead. We are all fighting unique wars.

In conclusion "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" - Jeremiah 17:9 (NLT).