Regional News of Sunday, 20 April 2003

Source: gna

Aflao ushers in Easter with church vigils

Easter activities by the Christian community at Aflao were ushered in with solemn church vigils from Thursday night into the early hours of Good Friday followed by an afternoon of Church Services.

In a sermon, Reverend Emmanuel Eli Gasu, of the Evangelical Presbyterian (EP) Church, Ghana exhorted Christians to forgive and reconcile with those who had offend them as a foundation for building stronger families, communities, Church and nation.

He said Easter provided an invaluable opportunity for Christians to raise their eyes and hearts to Christ for spiritual renewal as they faced the spiritual and physical challenges of the world.

At the Holy Christ Temple International Church, Bishop Thomas Leke performed what was described as "spiritual re-awakening for a closer relationship with God" while worshippers at the Assemblies of God Church sang praises to God for giving up his son to die to atone for the sins of humanity.

The Saint Paul and Peter Parish of the Catholic Church performed the Liturgy of Good Friday, which included the veneration of the 'Cross'