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Regional News of Saturday, 12 March 2005

Source: GNA

Aggrey Memorial teachers rewarded

Cape Coast (C/R), March 12, GNA - Teachers of the Aggrey Memorial Secondary School, Cape Coast are to get 15 million Cedis this year under a package instituted by the Board of Governors, management and the Parent/Teacher Association (PTA). The scheme, which includes cash and other reward was instituted last year to motivate them.

The Headmaster, Mr Nicholas Kofi Appiah-Kubi who announced this at the 65th anniversary of the school said the package followed their impressive performance, which enabled the school to register remarkable improvement in this year's Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (SSSCE) results. The school placed 86 out of 470 schools in this year's SSSCE league table. Out of 876 candidates presented for the 2004 SSSCE, 681 had passes and better grades representing 77.74 percent.

Mr Appiah-Kubi said this was an improvement of 23.5 percent over the previous year's result, adding that, the School was the third to get the highest number of passes apart from Prempeh College and the Presbyterian Boys Secondary School, Legon. He assured parents and guardians of the students that effective measures had been taken to improve the performance in the years ahead. The theme for the celebration was "ICT Education: Enhancing National Productivity and Development, Challenges Facing Today's Student".

The Headmaster said the School had provided computers and accessories to train the students to acquire knowledge and skills to keep them abreast with modern trends in education and called for more assistance from old students, individuals and organisations. Mr Appiah-Kubi enumerated achievements of the school and announced strategies to ensure more laurels in the years ahead. He called for the maximum support, co-operation and encouragement from all stakeholders in the school's administration.

The Right Reverend Dr Godfred Zormelo, the Senior Bishop's Deputy of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and Chairman of the School's Board of Governors, praised the teachers, the management and the PTA executives headed by Mr Kofi Emissah, a former Central Regional Director of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation(GBC), for their performance. Rt. Rev. Dr Zormelo also commended the General Manager of Anglogold Ashanti, Bibiani Limited, Mr Peter Amponsah-Mensah, who is an old student for instituting an award for discipline and exemplary character to promote a holistic, quality education required for the successful development of any student.

The Board Chairman on behalf of the school authorities expressed his appreciation to individuals, organizations and individuals who contributed towards the effective and efficient running of the School. Mr George Eshun, a legal practitioner who presided advised the youth, especially students in second cycle institutions to abstain from premarital sex to protect themselves against the HIV/AIDS pandemic because it could destroy their future and eventually lead to their death. He stressed the need for the youth to embrace good aspects of the country's culture and stop following foreign ones that were not in-line with the traditions and customs of the nation.