Mankranso (Ashanti Region), 16 Oct. '98 The Ahafo-Ano South District Assembly has confirmed Mr Anthony Yaw Kusi, the President's nominee for the position of District Chief Executive for the area. Mr Kusi polled 52 votes, representing 98.2 per cent of the 54 votes cast. The election was supervised by officials of the National Electoral Commission headed by Mr Kwadwo Sarfo Kantanka, Deputy Chairman of the commission. Mr Kusi, 37, is the Kumasi Metropolitan Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE). In an address, Mrs Joana Appiah-Dwomoh, Deputy Ashanti Regional Minister, asked district assemblies not to use the place of origin or hometown as a basis for either confirming or rejecting a nominee for the position of DCE. Instead, they should identify the good qualities and attributes in the nominee and use them as a yardstick in measuring the nominees' ability to handle the office. Mr Kusi said as a medium-term plan a scheme will be worked out under which organised and youth groups will be assisted with short-term loans to go into farming to enhance agricultural production. GRi