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General News of Friday, 21 October 2022


Ahmed Suale murder: Don't back down on efforts to ensure killers are punished – Mahama to GJA

Former President John Dramani Mahama with GJA executives Former President John Dramani Mahama with GJA executives

The leadership of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) has visited former President John Dramani Mahama. The purpose of the visit was to introduce the new executives of the association, re-engage Mr Mahama as a member and invite him as a special guest for the upcoming GJA awards scheduled to take place at Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel on Saturday, 12 November 2022. Speaking during the visit on Friday, 21 October 2022, the GJA acknowledged the former President’s support in the establishment of the media fund under his government, geared towards aiding and building the capacity of journalists. President of the GJA, Albert Kwabena Dwumfour said: “Your support and promotion of press freedom is non-negotiable. You’ve been the guest of honour for our GJA awards when you were the president; this is how important you valued the Association.” The former President commended the association for a peaceful election. He noted that: “Many of us watchers of the media were getting a bit concerned with the delay in democratisation within the organisation and you being the watchdogs of our democracy if you yourselves could not get it right then there were a lot of concerns being expressed about it. “But I’m happy that your election finally took place and an executive has been put in place.” Mr Mahama further commended the Association for its role in broadening the media space in the country. “The watchdog role of the media and they’re saying that the media shall be the watchdog of the people over government and so that is a role that you have had to effectively play. The GJA has played a very strong role in broadening the media space in order that journalists can operate and operate without fear of harassment.” He called on the GJA, not to relent in its efforts to ensure justice for slain journalist, Ahmed Suale. “For some time, there’s been concerns that the Association had become a bit docile in terms not only of safeguarding the media space but also in terms of defending its members when they come under attack from the work that they do. “Of course one of your own, paid the ultimate price, Ahmed Suale and as of now there still doesn’t seem to be any movement in apprehending the people who assassinated him in such cold blood and I think that is something that you must not sleep on. You must continue to fight to make sure that whoever were responsible for that murder, you know, are brought to book.”