Akatsi (Volta Region),. 15 Oct. Parents have started responding to an appeal made by the headmistress of the Akatsi Teacher Training College Practice School, Mrs. Beatrice Sosu-Kumassah, to assist the school to construct additional classrooms for a second stream. The cost of the project is estimated at 160 million cedis. Following the appeal, the Akatsi teacher training college donated 150,000 cedis, Mr. Joseph Kwaku Horgli alias Hugo 100,000 cedis, Mr. Gershon Wovenu 60,000 cedis while the Church of Pentecost, Gohu Drumming group, Egbetetie drumming group and Akatsi GPRTU branch One have donated 20,000 cedis each. Others are the E.P. Church, Ghana, Akatsi GPRTU branch two 10,000 cedis each and Dr. Hoggar of Hoggar Clinic at Akatsi ten bags of cement. Mrs. Sosu-Kumassah commended the donors for responding to her appeal to help raise the standard of education in the school. She urged parents to pay their development and a building fund to enable the school to develop. Togbe Dunyo the third, Managing Director of Falcon Printing Press at Akatsi who is a member of the PTA of the school, appealed to all individuals and non-governmemtal organizations to come to the aid of the project.