General News of Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Source: Daily Guide

Akua Donkor wants death penalty

Akua Donkor, Founder, Ghana Freedom Party Akua Donkor, Founder, Ghana Freedom Party

Founder and leader of Ghana Freedom Party (GFP), Akua Donkor, has proposed death penalty for any man who would be arrested for raping a minor.

In her opinion, there is nothing sexually attractive on young girls so men who forcibly have carnal knowledge with such girls should be executed.

“Men who defile small girls should be killed since they are not fit to be in the society,” she told King Edward of Hello FM in a chat on Monday.

Akua Donkor, however, lambasted young girls of today for always dressing half-naked, an act, which according to her, demeans womanhood.

She observed with pain and sorrow how some young ladies dress in a manner that exposes their breast and other sensitive parts.

The GFP leader said some rapists committed the weird offence because they cannot resist the temptation of half-naked ladies.

Women dressing almost nude, she said, “Are not part of Ghana’s culture”, adding that the influx of foreign culture was badly influencing the young ladies to dress nude.

Akua Donkor noted that when she was a young girl, it was almost a taboo for any lady to expose her vital parts in public.

She, therefore, admonished young ladies to dress decently at all times so as to stop tempting the young men into raping them.

Akua Donkor said her presidential ambition is intact, stressing that she would ban the wearing of short skirts by ladies when she becomes president.

According to her, as Ghana’s president, she would quickly order for the police to apprehend ladies who dress nudely in public.

The GFP founder stressed on the need for decency in the way people, especially women dress in society

Akua Donkor stated that her administration would put in place measures to make sure that Ghanaian women dress properly by covering their entire bodies as pertaining in many Islamic societies.

This, she was of the opinion, would help reduce the upsurge in rape cases in the country as the women would stop tempting the men with their nude dressings.