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General News of Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Source: Daily Post

Akufo-Addo Sneaks To T.B. Joshua

Wonders shall never end! Whoever thought that NPP flag-bearer, Nana Akufo-Addo will run to Prophet T.B Joshua for spiritual assistance to enable him win the coming Presidential elections?

Yet, it happened! Never mind that the NPP propaganda machine ridiculed and vilified the late President Mills for seeking spiritual guidance from the head of the Synagogue Church of All Nations. Never mind that the pro-NPP media attacked, ridiculed and vilified Prophet T.B Joshua himself for making certain prophecies about President Mills that came to pass.

In the evening of Wednesday, August 8, 2012, while the late President Mills was lying in state at the Banquet Hall of the State House, Nana Akufo-Addo, with defeat staring him in the face, took advantage of Prophet T.B Joshua’s presence in the country to sneak to him to seek spiritual guidance that will lead to victory for him in the coming December elections. He also used the opportunity to seek spiritual help for challenges confronting him health-wise.

T.B Joshua had arrived in the country the previous night to pay his last respect to the departed President Mills.

Daily Post’s mole inside the Akufo-Addo Campaign Team revealed that the NPP flag-bearer went to the residence of the Prophet with a number of his supporters, including Mr. Asamoah Boateng, Minister for Information in the Kufuor regime. Asamoah-Boateng is a member of the Synagogue Church of All Nations which has its headquarters in Lagos.

In spite of the bashing and vilification both late President Mills and the Prophet took from Akufo-Addo while he himself looked on with glee, the NPP flag-bearer, according to our usually very reliable source, decided that it was better to be safe than sorry and therefore went seeking the man that has been almost criminalized by his party. This is more so when it was becoming clear to him that yet another opportunity to realize his much cherished dream of becoming President of Ghana was slipping away very fast.

The sudden and shocking demise of President Mills, the nationwide outpouring of grief that followed, the several eulogies that came with it from even the departed’s political foes, the taking over of the baton by Vice-President John Mahama, the calm demeanour of the new President, his call for peace and unity and the massive support he has received so far was enough clue for Akufo-Addo that unless help came from Macedonia, he will sink into defeat at the polls faster than an elephant will sink in a quick sand. However, it is obvious that the Ghanaian electorate has gone over the point of no return and thus there simply can be no redemption for the NPP flag-bearer.