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General News of Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Source: GNA

Akufo-Addo condemns politics of insults

Bechem (B/A), Sept. 2, GNA- Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo, New Patriotic Party (NPP), flag bearer, on Monday expressed regret about the politics of insults, acrimony and rancour gaining prominence in the country's democratic dispensation. He appealed to political parties to conduct their campaigns based on issues and to present ideas that would help address obstacles retarding national progress.

Nana Akufo-Addo made the remarks when he addressed separate rallies at Bechem, Techimantia, Derma, Duayaw-Nkwanta, Abesim and Sunyani as part of his seven-day tour of the Brong Ahafo Region. He explained that since politics was aimed at ensuring development, there was the need for political parties to focus on pertinent issues that would help solve problems affecting the welfare of the people. Nana Akufo-Addo said "Politicians who should resort to divide and rule tactics must not be accepted or embraced and this will help nurture the country's fledging democracy".

He expressed concern about the propaganda and outright lies being peddled against NPP more especially by the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Nana Akufo-Addo asked Ghanaians not to allow themselves to be deceived by such tactics since the NDC had nothing good to offer the citizenry.

He emphasized that Ghana had reached a very crucial stage in the democratic process and that practices that had the tendency to mar the December poll must be avoided.

Bechem (B/A), Sept. 2, GNA- Nana Akufo-Addo noted that for the past eight years under the Kufuor-led NPP administration, Ghanaians had witnessed remarkable improvement in their living conditions, more especially in the area of health care delivery.

He cautioned that voting against the NPP would derail the gains of the people.

Nana Akufo-Addo earlier interacted with the management of Brong-Ahafo Regional hospital in Sunyani and urged them to continue to render selfless and dedicated services to their clients. Dr. Daniel Asare, Medical Superintendent at the hospital, said despite the numerous challenges facing the facility, innovative management practices had enabled it to chalk successes. He disclosed that the National Health Insurance Scheme had covered 72 per cent of the population of the area and as at July this year, 2,500 pregnant women had benefited from the free maternal delivery at the cost of GHC 40,000. Nana Akufo-Addo also interacted with members of the regional garages association and market women in Sunyani. He said the country's re-construction process depended much on industrial development and that his administration would outline a number of credible programmes that would make the business sector to thrive.

Mr. Boakye Agyarko, Dr. Arthur Kennedy and Mr. Kwabena Agyei Adjapong, members of the NPP Campaign team, took turns to address the people. They urged supporters and party faithful not to be complacent but rather to intensify the campaign to woo more people to join the party for a landslide victory in December.