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General News of Monday, 6 April 2020


Akufo-Addo’s speech has all ingredients of crises communication – Anyidoho

Chief Executive Officer of the Atta Mills Institute, Koku Anyidoho play videoChief Executive Officer of the Atta Mills Institute, Koku Anyidoho

Chief Executive Officer of the Atta Mills Institute, Koku Anyidoho, has lauded President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s 5th address delivered to the country amid the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

The former NDC Deputy General Secretary described the president’s speech as having all the ingredients of crises communication.

“My take on this issue is, in terms of communication President Akufo-Addo has communicated pleasantly well and I salute him. There are three principles for a good crisis communication speech. They are; pity, praise and promise. The president’s speech had all of that,” he added.

He applauded the president for engaging in analysis and broad consultations before embarking on decisions.

“When the crises started, the president did not make any hasty decisions. He consulted people from the health sectors, security agencies, clergy and the media. It is obvious that the president has been doing serious consultation,” he said.

Mr. Anyidoho said even at a point where some individuals were calling for a total lockdown the president did not panic but rather resorted to expert’s advice and that to him is the right move.

In his words, “I support the president 100 percent for not being frightened enough to go for total lockdown. People were seriously calling for a full lockdown based on zero facts and findings. We cannot copy the foreign countries blindly.”

When asked whether he will decline an opportunity to serve in the NPP administration, Mr. Aynidoho said his outfit is currently planning towards collaborating with the government.

“My institute is working on a document that will be presented to the president next week. We will be collaborating with the government to build a better country that we all deserve,” he stated.