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Health News of Monday, 4 March 2019


All to know about the man in charge of Amponsah Herbal Hospital

Dr. Alex Amponsah Dr. Alex Amponsah

Herbal doctor Amponsah who has been in the healing business for twenty-one years is urging Ghanaians to believe in the efficacy of alternative herbal medicine and not presume cures only come from orthodox medical practice and medicine.

The CEO of the Amponsah Herbal Hospital declared he has remedy for numerous ailments and conditions including diabetes, spondylosis, breast cancer, osteoarthritis, halitosis (bad breath), kidney infections, typhoid fever, hypertension, waist pains, sexual weakness, prostate problems, stroke, piles and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea and syphilis.

Mr. Alex Amponsah’s work has been recognised with the positive feedback he gets from former patients and their family members. However, winning the West Africa Traditional Alternative Medicine 2018 award organised by Africa Media Galaxy was big deal he submitted.

Mr. Amponsh in his quest to enlighten the populace on eating right and avoiding products, beverages a and acts which cause harm to the body has opened a YouTube channel (Dr. Amponsah TV) where he holds a talk session on how to live right, alleviate pain as well as show testimonies from patients who have been treated by the health practitioner and cured.

Interested persons can reach herbal doctor Amponsah on 0501-297-039 or 0278-99-11 or better still locate him at his various branches on weekdays 8:00am to 5:00pm and on Saturdays from 8:00am to 3:00pm.

Amponsah Herbal Hospital can be located in Accra at Spintex –Batsonaa in the Whitehouse area. Sunyani near the Barracks opposite the Volta River Authority (VRA). In Kumasi, the hospital is at Owhim, at the Tigo junction near the taxi rank. At Koforidua, Densuanu Waterworks; last stop.

Alex Amponsah explains he learnt his craft from his maternal grandmother and her two siblings who go about the farm despite being aged 115 and 122 years respectively although one is deceased. His quest to discover medicinal herbs and undertake case studies has led him to reside in Drobo Mremano, Seikwa, Elubo, Dikobo Number 1 and others.

The operations of Mr. Alex Amponsah have been certified by the Ministry of Health, the Food and Drugs Authority according to the enterprising health practitioner.

Folks can subscribe to Dr. Amponsah TV on YouTube to follow his lectures.

He can be followed on Facebook: Dr. Amponsah Herbal Hospital

Youtube: Dr. Amponsah TV