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General News of Sunday, 29 July 2018


Amissah-Arthur was a service provider – Rt. Rev. Osabutey

Rt. Rev. Samuel K. Osabutey, Diocesan Bishop of Accra, The Methodist Church Ghana play videoRt. Rev. Samuel K. Osabutey, Diocesan Bishop of Accra, The Methodist Church Ghana

It was a solemn moment at the Calvary Methodist Church in Adabraka, Accra when family, friends and sympathisers gathered at a thanksgiving service for the late former Vice President, Paa Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur.

The service was to thank God for the life of Amissah-Arthur, a successful funeral, and journey mercies.

Several dignitaries including the Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG), Dr Ernest Addison, Veteran politician Enoch Teye Mensah, former GIMPA Rector, Prof. Stephen Adei, among others joined the widow and family of the late Amissah-Arthur for the service.

In his sermon themed “Jesus the Provider”, Diocesan Bishop of Accra, Rt. Rev. Samuel K. Osabutey, related the life pattern of the former Vice President to that of Jesus Christ.

Taking his message from the book of John 16:1-15, he said Jesus broke all protocols and barriers when served the 5000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fishes.

He said Jesus showed compassion and leadership by recognising the physical and spiritual needs of the famished crowd who had gathered all day to listen to His teachings.

According to the reverend minister, Amissah-Arthur lived a similar lifestyle where he thought more about work and the people he had been called to serve throughout his long public service.

While calling on public servants to follow the lead of the late statesman, the man of God said, “I was relating this to the life pattern of his excellency who just departed from us. Whiles he served in public service, wherever he found himself until he became vice president, he saw himself as a service provider. That’s what we emphasized today”.

Rt. Rev. Osabutey pointed out that he personally knew Amissah-Arthur, who was born into the Methodist Church, as a quiet person who lived a morally upright life.

According to the preacher, “We also realized that what he was at Church was exactly what he was also in public life. In other words, there was no dichotomy of his life. He was the same person in Church, the same person at home, the same person at his workplace. That is his Excellency Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur for you”.

On the other hand, Highlife musician, Akosua Agyapong, said she has known the Amissah-Arthur family for quite sometime. She described the family a wonderful one.

To her Ghana has lost a "noble man" and "a jewel".

Paa Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur died at the 37 Military Hospital after her collapsed at the Airforce gym during a routine workout session.

The remains of the late Amissah-Arthur was laid to rest at the new military cemetery at Burma Camp in Accra last Friday.