General News of Friday, 27 July 2007

Source: AngloGold Ashanti

AngloGold Ashanti Media Release

Media Release On The Death Of An Artisanal Miner

On Wednesday 4th July, a community member reported to AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Control Loss Department at about 1300 hours that a person that had illegally entered Obuasi?s underground operation for unauthorized gold mining activities was injured and could be found on the 21 Level Timber Shaft area, near Adansi Shaft.

A rescue team was promptly sent underground to search for the person and found him shortly afterwards. His name was given as Lamil Awilba. Mr Awilba was brought to surface and treated at AGA?s hospital for a fractured arm and pelvis before being transferred to Obuasi Government Hospital at Obuasi.

Regrettably, it is now understood that Mr Awilba died on the 5th July in the hospital from the injuries sustained.

This incident again highlights the problem faced by the company, and the mining industry and the government of the challenges and dangers posed by illegal artisanal or small-scale mining. From the company?s perspective, the company is taking steps to strengthen its security capacity to control access to mine workings. This would both secure our assets and protect trespassers from death or injury in accidents. Simultaneously and working in association with the Minerals Commission and the Ministry of Mines, the company will continue to promote the development of a lawful and properly regulated small-scale mining industry.


Enquiries: Contact: John Owusu Tel: 0244 322 026/778179