General News of Saturday, 4 January 2003


Annual celebration symbolises govt's commitment to democracy

Mr. Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey, Minister of Information and Presidential Affairs, on Saturday said the annual celebration of the Fourth Republic was a mark of government's commitment and affirmation to democracy and good governance.

He stated: "The historic transfers of democratic power from one elected government to another last two years demonstrates Ghana's commitment to the tenants of constitutional rule and adherence to good governance in the country."

Mr Obestebi-Lamptey was speaking at the tenth anniversary celebration of the Fourth Republic and two years of positive change at a national musical concert to herald the celebration in Accra. The month-long programme for the celebration was under the theme: "Consolidating Ghana's Democracy through Peace, Unity and Development."

Mr. Obestebi-Lamptey urged Ghanaians to be dedicated to constitutionality, stressing,'' the country is to escape from its unconstitutional past of, political instability and chequered economic development." He said, "We have to cultivate the culture of making our constitutional democracy work through constant reminders such as this annual celebration to guide us that democracy, well nurtured and sustained is the path to peace and prosperity."

The minister noted that Ghana's history had been characterised by unconstitutional rule with its erosion of personal freedom, restrictions on media pluralism and national well being normally generated by individual and economic entrepreneurship.

He said Ghanaians had no choice than to ensure the preservation and sustenance of the 1992 Constitution, as a national imperative.

Mr Obestebi-Lamptey said Ghana's democracy was the bedrock for peace, prosperity and economic development and a way of protecting the individual's fundamental rights.

Mr Sidiku Buari, President of the Musicians Union of Ghana, pledged musicians and artists' commitment to peaceful development of the nation. Other programmes for the celebration included; Church services, Prayer Night for Ghana, People's Assembly and Photo Exhibition, Super Gospel Rock Show and Fun Games.