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Editorial News of Sunday, 11 July 1999

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Another DCE in trouble

In a front page story, the Weekend Statesman says barely a month after President Jerry Rawlings was forced to sack the Wenchi District Chief Executive, Mr. D.D. Domfeh, following calls for his removal by the NDC youth, the President is also being asked to fire another District Chief Executive.

This time, the paper says, the NDC youth in the Sefwi Wiawso District of the Western Region, have appealed to President Rawlings to dismiss Mr. Paul Evans Aidoo as the DCE for the area, for inefficiency, ineptitude and abuse of power. The youth are said to have also accused Mr. Aidoo of hardly staying at Sefwi Wiawso, but choosing to be in Either Accra or Takoradi.

A spokesman for the youth, Mr. Agyekum Boateng, is reported as alleging that Mr. Aidoo has no respect for the traditional rulers and has on many occasions, turned down invitations to meet them.