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General News of Sunday, 5 January 2014

Source: XYZ

Anti-corruption demo is a warning to Ghana's leaders - PPP

The Progressive Peoples Party (PPP) says it’s upcoming anti-corruption demonstration scheduled for Cape Coast this month is intended to warn politicians of a possible anarchy in the country if nothing is done about the rising level of corruption in the country.

According to the National Chairman of the Party, Nii Brew Hammond Ghanaians are increasingly getting disappointed in the political leadership due to unfulfilled promises.

Speaking to XYZ News, Mr Hammond said the PPP will continue to draw attention to the need to eschew corruption and bad governance in the country.

“As the whole nation has recognized, corruption is preventing us from doing a lot of things…it is also enforcing some believe that politicians are corrupt.

“It is high time that we let our leaders know that those on the ground are getting disappointed in the stewardship of our leadership and if we don’t do anything, something worse will happen,” Mr. Hammond said.