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Health News of Monday, 1 August 2005

Source: GNA

Aowin-Suaman Health Scheme in a slow start

Enchi (W/R), Aug. 1, GNA- Some 10,800 people out of a population of 120,000 have registered for the Mutual Health Insurance Scheme in the Aowin-Suaman District.

Mr Augustine Acquah, Manager of the Scheme, told the Ghana News Agency at Enchi at the weekend, that many of the registered people have not fully paid their contributions to the scheme.

This, he said, was because some people were sceptical about the success of the scheme and adopting "a wait and to see attitude."

Mr Acquah said taking of photographs was underway for the issuing of identity cards but there were problems of inadequate personnel to manage the information aspect of the scheme.

He said: ''Registration agents engaged in the exercise made mistakes and this is making it difficult to ascertain the ages of some registered people.''

Mr Acquah said the lack of transport and the poor nature of roads were also a drawback to the registration exercise but said despite these problems, the scheme would take off by Tuesday August 2.