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Religion of Wednesday, 10 January 2018


Apostle Adanu urges Churches to establish Evangelism Funds

Apostle Adanu said the fund would help overcome the small-congregations syndrome Apostle Adanu said the fund would help overcome the small-congregations syndrome

Apostle Richard Kwami Adanu, first Vice-Chairman, Great Commission Church International (GCCI), Ghana National Council, has urged Churches to establish funds for Evangelism and Mission work.

"We must rethink our financial and material support in particular, and the Mission Department as a whole," Apostle Adanu stated in his report at the 27th Annual General Council Meeting of GCCI Ghana, at Shai Hills in the Dangbe West District of the Greater Accra Region.

"There should be a conscious allocation of funds for evangelism and other responsibilities of the Mission Department. Sight must not be lost of the fact that the Mission's Department is the thrust of the Church," he added.

The four-day meeting, which was on the theme "Imitating Christ" was attended by more than 160 pastors and presiding elders of the Church across Ghana.

Apostle Adanu said to give meaning to the Great Commission in Ghana and beyond; Churches must now be more international in targeting the unreached people's group in their Church Planting programmes.

"While we reach out to new people and new areas, we must not forget to work to bring about numerical and other growths in existing congregations," he stated.

He explained that this would help overcome the small-congregations syndrome, with its concomitant problems such as financial difficulties and the lack of human resources.

He lauded the GCCI Men's Ministry for the establishment of Mission's Fund, as part of their contributions towards fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

On his service in the Lord's Vineyard, Apostle Adanu said: "I thank God for the grace and ability he gave me to serve him and his people in this capacity, these years as the first Vice-Chairman in-charge of Mission.

"Thanks, once again, to the entire membership of GCCI for giving me the opportunity to serve God's people in my capacity as the first Vice-Chairman in-charge of Mission for GCCI-Ghana."

He recounted that: "Five years ago, you, working through your representatives to the 2013 General Council Meeting, elected me overwhelmingly into this office. God bless you.

"It has not been easy; sometimes I felt like quitting. However, God, through the Holy Spirit, his word - both written and current revelations, and the consideration of the flock of God, has enabled me to come this far."

Apostle Adanu in an emotional farewell said: "God bless you all. Let us continue to strive for Christlikeness, fulfilling God's call upon our lives, and to enter heaven".