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Regional News of Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Source: GNA

Apremdo has no chief yet-Regent

Takoradi, Sept. 10, GNA - Nana Nware Ezia, the second, Gyaasehene and regent of Apremdo near Takoradi said the purported installation of a new chief at Apremdo was fraudulent and unacceptable and also not in line with Ahanta customs and traditions. She said the installation should not be recognized because the purported chief, Nana Egya Kwamena was not a royal from the Ebiradzi family and can therefore not claim to be the substantive chief of Apremdo.

Nana Ezia, who was addressing the press in Takoradi on Wednesday, said "no chief has officially been installed to replace Nana Nyankah Brem, the second, who passed away in 1999".

The regent said the final funeral rite for the late chief of Apremdo has not been performed and this must be done before any Kundum festival could be celebrated.

Nana Ezia said by Ahanta custom and traditions, an appointed chief, must be paraded through the principal streets of Apremdo amidst drumming and dancing and must be presented to the kingmakers at Apremdo. "However, the alleged chief, was rather installed at Busia and brought to Apremdo to celebrate the Kundum festival" she added. Nana Ezia said "a successor to a deceased chief must be installed by the royal stool family to pave way for the late chief's funeral before the celebration of the Kundum festival". She insisted that a chief cannot be outdoored without the knowledge of the queenmother.

Nana Kwanoh Kumah, Queenmother of Apremdo, said the royal stool had not approved the nomination, confinement and installation of any chief for the Apremdo and described the act by Nana Egya Kwamina as a deliberate attempt to create confusion and violence in the area. 10 Sept 08