Religion of Sunday, 19 June 2011

Source: Asare, Noah Dugubrame

Are Jehovah's Witnesses Christians?

From: "Noah Asare" Date: Sun, June 19, 2011 3:22 pm To:

This question might sound very strange to many because we grew up to understand that any group of believers using the Holy Bible as their code are Christians. Although we all agree that some could be using the Bible but still do things contrary to what is written inside. We sometimes simply recer to such ones as bad christians but at least we still call them Chistians because they share common faith with believers and followers of Christ. This question was raised today because of the actions of a mother and her fellow Jehovah Witnesses who wanted her nine year old daughter dead instead of reciving blood transfusion; the only way to save the girls life. The question that came to my mind was are these people Christians or not.

If you will like to know, Jehovah's Witnesses dont only disagree with blood transfusion but also forbid joining any force work(police, millitary, fire service name them) because you will be under obligation to salute the flag. But am sure when their houses are on fire they will call the fire brigades. When robbers bust their gates at night they will remember the police hotline.

Now to the Question. Being a Christian is qualified by many things including your way of life; which should be Christ-like. What you believe in which should be nothing outside the Bible. In fact the common thing that connects all Christians is the Bible. It is the Christians Constitution. If any group holds a book that speak differently from what the Bible says, that group cannot be called a Christian group.

Now all Christians were left with the Bible we use today in Hebrew and Greek tongues. From this two languages God fearing scholars translated the English, and then many other translations came out. The first and true translation of the Bible to English is the King James Bible. All Christians nominated God fearing Priests, elders and appostles to study this book and they all unanimously accepted it as a true translation of the bible in 1066AD. It was published into modern English which is now old King James version in 1500AD.

After this translations many other English translations have been made. If one wants to know if those latest translation really depict what the original bible version said he simply need to compare the new translation to King James Version. If it holds a different meaning, the said translation cannot be called a Bible and the group or sect using such a translation can't be referred to as Christians. This is where the question is open, as to whether Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians or not.

All Christian uphold and believe in only one Bible and although we may use different versions according to our English preferences, no Church has printed its own Bible and is forcing its followers to use only that. Even if any church does it the translation should carry the same message as the one in the original Bible version. If any group write a translation that re-shapes the word of God to march what they believe and not exactly what the Bible teaches, the said group can't be referred to as Christians because you cannot be a follower of Christ when you are not fed with the pure word of God.

The Jehovah's Witnesses on this point put their identity as Christians in doubt because they have a translation of the Bible which speaks very differently from the Bible. Because of the limited space I wll just quote a few quotations from the King James version and the version written by Jehovah's Witnesses called The New World Translation of The Holy Bible (nwt) and you will draw your own conclusion.

KJV - John 1:1-3; In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. 2. The same was in the beginning with God. 3. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

Now see what the Jehovah's Witnesses translation wrote on the same John 1:1-3; In the beginning the word was, and the word was with God and the word was a god(take note of a god). 2. This one was in the beginning with God. 3. All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.

Reading the two translation you can see that the Jehovah witnesses translation is far different from the original bible version. The word was God was written the word was a god. Everything was made by him was written everything came into existence through him which means all things were made but only came into existence through him contrary to what the bible said. Also see; (KJV) and without him nothing was made..... (NWT) and apart from him nothing was made.... For more of how the Bible has been misinterpreted read my book titled WILL YOU CALL IT A BIBLE?

In many places in the Bible like Exodus 3:14-15, Hebrews 1:7-13, Hebrews 1:8, John 3:16 Jehovah's Witnesses misinterpreted the Bible. On this regard and on many positions they take as a group like; Jehovah's Witnesses forbid entering any other church apart from the Kingdom Hall whereas Christ prayed and said "that they all mau be one". They dont do politics. "Country broke, country no broke they dey inside"' but the Bible says; He said Section 79(1), (b) of the Criminal Offences Act of 1960 (Act 29) states that "A parent is under duty to give access to the necessities of health and life to the child who is not of age and capacity as to be able to obtain those basic necessities".

He said Section 79(1), (b) of the Criminal Offences Act of 1960 (Act 29) states that "A parent is under duty to give access to the necessities of health and life to the child who is not of age and capacity as to be able to obtain those basic necessities".

Frankfurt, Germany.

Noah Dugubrame Asare,

Frankfurt, Germany.