General News of Tuesday, 29 June 1999

Source: --

Armed robbers strike at Goil filling station

Atimpoku (Eastern Region), 29th June 99 --

Armed robbers stormed the Goil filling station in Atimpoku last Tuesday and made away with nearly three million cedis cash.

Mr Kwame Omanhene, a station attendant who was on night duty at the time of the incident, said at about 3 a.m. a passenger who was on transit told him that some men had hidden themselves behind one of the parked vehicles at the station.

Mr Omanhene, who was narrating the incident to Mr Emmanuel Dwamena-Bekoe, Asuogyaman District Chief Executive, said just as he picked his flashlight to come out, he was confronted by four gunmen who ushered him and the passenger back into his office.

He said the robbers asked him to open all the safes and when he opened the first one, which contained 147,000 cedis, they took offence and assaulted him.

The attendant said the robbers then opened the other safes and scooped every currency they could find and marched him and the passenger into a toilet, locked them up and fled.

Mr Fuseini Lansah, District Coordinating Director and his deputy Mr Obeng Djabaa accompanied the DCE.

