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General News of Monday, 4 April 2011

Source: peacefmonline

Arrest Rawlings - Wayo demands

Founder and Leader of the defunct United Renaissance Party (URP), ‘Chuck’ Kofi Wayo is calling on the security agencies to forcibly induce former President Jerry John Rawlings to produce any evidence at his disposal relating to the murder of the late overlord of Dagbon Traditional Area, Ya-Na Yakubu Andani II.

Mr Wayo wonders how the people of a nation, faced with a rather serious crime as the killing of a king, can only indulge in shifting blames.

To him, the Ya Na’s case is not about the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) or the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), but a heinous murder with the possibility of repeating itself because the murderer (s) is still at large.

Speaking in an interview on Okay FM 101.7, an Accra-based private radio station during the station’sNews@10am, Mr. Wayo says the Ya-Na’s murder case should be depoliticized, pointing out that the slightest amount of adding political colour to issue will take away the objectivity of the case.

The eccentric politician stressed that nobody has the right to blame the judge who adjudicated on the matter because his ruling was based on the facts of the case as presented in court, adding that the focus should rather be on whether the prosecutor and police investigators did a perfect job.

He said even though he lauds the NDC’s decision to appeal the ruling, government must find enough good evidence to prove his case rather than blame the judge.

“We have to start the whole process (again) and look at it objectively, that is why the whites say the blacks cannot think but we are always talking. We have to change the dynamics and stop all this hullabaloo and focus on arresting the killers. If this was to be America, the federal police, FBI and all other security agencies will come in and do everything to catch the killer before they do any other thing because they have to protect the citizens of the country,” he said.

Mr. Wayo added that though reactions by the Andanis are understandable because they still harbor in them the pain they felt so many years ago, and also because both the NPP and NDC governments have failed them, they have no right to be violent..

“I understand their plight, they are acting emotionally because both governments have failed them. And when this thing happened, there should have been psychologists to counsel them but nobody did so, (as a result) they still harbor the pain but they have no right to be violent, no matter what has happened. Ya Na was a peaceful God fearing man and he will be ashamed that they are doing violence in his name,” he reiterated.

He urged the police to drag ex-President Rawlings from wherever he is and question him on the Yendi tragedy. Mr. Wayo said the former president must be forced to provide the evidence or information he claims to have or must be put in jail for lying to the State.

“Investigators have to go and haul Rawlings and question him because this is murder and if you don’t want to give information, you have to be locked up. The law is the law and it irrespective of a person so if you lie, you go to cell… He said he has information so he must provide it and tell us what he knows else they must arrest him so he provides the evidence he claims to have, but if he refuses, he has to be jailed,” he added.